Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Ask the Bloggers (panel) via Cheezhead

Cheezhead does a great job of condensing the "Ask the Bloggers" panel @ ERE in to a few soundbites. Well, I guess they a bit longer than soundbites.

Good stuff, thanks Joel.

If you are a glutton for blogging punishment, and you're attending the Kennedy Recruiting 2007 Conference in Las Vegas this week, then come check out this motley crew of bloggers.

I can promise you this, we'll at least be a little more predictable than a WWF Wrestling match.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Sr. MMS Engineer (Snoqualmie, WA) - $1,000 Referral Bonus!

Not only is Jodi Lovegrove the T-Mobile Recruiter with the coolest last name, she's also the one responsible for the nationwide recruiting activity that supports our National Engineering Operations team.

Wow, it's hard to say all that in one small breath.

Anyway, Jodi just opened an H3 campaign for one of her positions:

Sr. MMS Engineer, Snoqualmie, WA
If you are interested in this position, or, know somebody who is, please access Jodi's campaign by following the link HERE.

Please note: all T-Mobile Employees will follow the standard process (Employee Referral Program) for referring candidates. And, yes, they'll still get their big chunk of change if we make the hire.

However, everybody else can use Jodi's H3 campaign to refer someone for the job.

Did I just hear somebody say,

"Hey, what's in it for me?"
Well, if you refer the candidate that gets the job, Jodi's got a $1,000 dollar bill with your picture on it. And Jodi loves to give away money

So, c'mon, let's make Lovegrove happy,

Click on the campaign and let's get crankin'!

Joe Pierce: Black Hole Dodger, Job Grabber

On March 20th, I received an email from Joe Pierce (former wireless employer to remain anonymous ; ).

Joe had found me on LinkedIn and, as a result, got the address to my blog, WirelessJobs.com.

In his email, Joe said,

"I just started looking through the carriers website when I noticed what looks like a great fit/opportunity with T-mobile.

What do you think would be the best approach for getting an interview for this position? Is there a contact I could reach out to? I am hesitant to send a resume via the website because so many of them get "lost in the shuffle".

Any advise or recommendations would be greatly appreciative."
It's no surprise that Joe was hesitant to send his resume for fear of it being lost in the shuffle. Do the words "Black Hole" ring a bell?

So, what did he do? He sends me an email.

I left Joe a v-mail that same day and then got his contact info into the hands of Christopher Parker (T-Mobile Recruiter Extraordinaire). In Christopher's capable hands, the snowball picked up momentum, and 24 hours ago, Joe Pierce accepted an offer from T-Mobile.

Way to go Christopher! Nice job of recognizing talent and doing your very best to make sure that Joe's "candidate experience" was first-class!

By the way, I just hung up the phone with Joe. He's on cloud nine.

Guess what Joe...that makes two of us.

Welcome to T-Mobile,


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Make a Name for Yourself

In the past year, this guy has done more to impact my professional career than anybody else on the planet.


And he just wrote his fourth book.

And you can buy it HERE, and HERE.

Or, you can download the complete book HERE, for free (just read through his post and you'll find the link that says, "right now."

That's the one you click.

Why should you read it?

Well, as Scott says,

"If you don't make a name for yourself, someone will make one for you."